IPL Photofacial

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is an ideal treatment for those wanting to target the premature signs of aging, overall texture and tone, sun damage, age spots, scarring, and more, while also offering hair removal treatments.

IPL (Photofacials) are a minimal to no downtime treatment, recommending up to 6 treatments for optimal results. Treatments are spaced 3 weeks apart and easy maintenance is recommended yearly to maintain long-term results.

As always, keeping a customized skincare regimen with our medical-grade skin care provided, allows you to prolong and maintain your treatment results.

Excellent to Target Areas:

  • Face

  • Décolleté

  • Back of Hands 

Steele Beauty Clinic will provide you with a thorough consultation to ensure IPL is a suitable and safe treatment for you based on skin concerns and skin type.